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Left hand (open) margin.From where the writing starts. Check how far is the writing from left margin of the paper. |
Change in left hand margin.Check how left side margin changes from upper left corner of the page to down left corner of the page. |
Right hand margin.How far the writing ends from the right margin of the page. | |
Change in right hand margin.How the distance is changed from upper right corner to down right corner of the page. | |
Line direction.Check this on blank paper only. | |
Line direction change.If on blank paper the line is not always straight line, and the direction changes. | |
Distance between lines.Check it on plain, unlined paper. Usually, underlengths of the lower zone should just clear the upper zone of the following line. | |
Distance between words.Average writer will space his or her words at between one and one and a half times the normal letter width. | |
Distance between words.Is the space changing in different places of the page? | |
Script absolute size.Measure upper,middle and lower parts of the letters from top to bottom 90% upright regardless of the slant of writing. Add all three zones - upper (in d or b or f), lower (in y,g) and middle (n,m,o). Check in few places and compute the average. Normal size is 9mm (3/8 inch). | |
Middle zone size.Normally, all 3 zones are the same size (in handwriting of 9mm they are 3mm each). Check if the middle zone (letters a,n,o,m,..) is more or less dominant to other zones (if all 3 zones are 9mm then medium middle zone is 3mm, if 12 then 4, etc.) | |
Upper zone size.Normally, all 3 zones are the same size (in handwriting of 9mm they are 3mm each). Check if the upper zone (letters d,h,f,..) is more or less dominant to other zones (if all 3 zones are 9mm then medium upper zone is 3mm, if 12 then 4, etc.) | |
Lower zone size.Normally, all 3 zones are the same size (in handwriting of 9mm they are 3mm each). Check if the lower zone (letters y,g,q,f,..) is more or less dominant to other zones (if all 3 zones are 9mm then medium lower zone is 3mm, if 12 then 4, etc.) | |
Letter size changes.Check if letter size is changed from start to end of the page. | |
First letter of word.Check if sometimes first letter in the word is not of same size as other letters. | |
Writing direction.Check if the stroke is going forward (to the right) or there are letters that finishes in backward direction. | |
Width of letters.The width of each individual letter is assessed as a variation from normal (of course letters like m and n have not the same width). | |
Change in width of letters.Are the same letters changing width in different places of the page. | |
The slant of writing.The average slant is 80^. Left handed person will write 90^ or more leftward slant.So add 10-15 degrees to left-handed person normal slant. | |
Changes in slant.Is the slant constant or there are changes throwgh the page or word. | |
Connection of letters.Connected writing is writing in which 4 or more letters are connected together in a fluent movement. Breaks after punctuation or capitals are not counted, and do not affect the assessment of connection. | |
Distance between letters.Normal distance between letters is 1/2 of letter. | |
Constance of distance between letters.Is the distance changed in different letters of the same page? | |
Regularity of writing.Normal writing is not too rigid nor too haphazard in height and direction. Because humans are not machines, there should also be degree of variation in the script of mature adult. | |
Letter forms.Copybook writing are letterforms that we are learning in school. There are few options: simplifying (strokes reduced to a bare minimum while maintaning legibility), neglected (even the bare essentials are omitted, making the writing difficult to read), enriched (individual forms added, legible), overloaded (every word is overshadowed by superfluous strokes and additions which destroy the clarity). | |
Pen stroke.Thickness and thinness of strokes. May be sharp (thin stroke with normal pressure without differentiation between the up and down strokes. The ends of words or letters will have sharp points), distinct(or shaded, distinction between the up and down strokes), pastose(no distiction between up and down strokes, thick writing). | |
Pressure.If you have original document, turn the paper over and look at the indentation: this is a guide to amount of force used. | |
Pressure.Is variable if in the same page the pressure pattern is both light and heavy. | |
Form of connection.There are usually few forms of connections in the same writing. The possibilities: copybook(as learned, curved at the top and bottom), garland(letters m and n resemble the letters w and u), arcade(opposite), angular(sharp), wavy line , thread. | |
Signature. Check signature with which the person signs important documents, not when he signs many times a day. | |
Signature.Check lines around the signature. | |
Signature differs from script.Compare the writing size and slant with signature. | |
How fast is writing.If you are not sure about the speed of writing, these are the signs of fast writing:Good connection of letters, Garland forms, Broad spacing between letters and words, Pressure consistently light to medium, Irregularity, I-dots and t-bars made to the right, omitted or connected to following letters, Rightward slant, End strokes extended rightward, Simplified writing, Rising lines, Clean and clear stroke quality. | |
Level of writer.Writers of high level are writing with high speed, Clear intervals between words , lines and margins (not too wide and not too narrow), Original letterforms. | |
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